showin' time for u

bersama waktu aq belajar

bahwa kebencian yg tertanam dalam hati adalah ke sia-sia an,
bahwa segala sesuatu akan indah pada waktunya asalkan qt masih mau belajar untuk memahami arti qt hidup di dunia...
atas segala kesalahan tentu akan termaafkan jika qt mau memahami betapa fana nya qt hidup di dunia...

sampai pada titik dimana qt MAMPU untuk IKHLAS atas sesuatu yg paling qt cintai, demi sesuatu yg terbaik bagi dia,
saat itu adalah saat dimana hati qt LAYAK mendapatkan yg terbaik...

jadi nantikanlah...

just mine

It’s a heart without a home..

How come I cried a tear while I’m here not alone,
It’s crowded and it’s full,
But this heart seems like lost..
Walking around and found nothing,
Seeing around and felt a huge void,
Frightened and lost,
I’m all alone,
And still alone..
So, where are they?
Did they realized that I need a shoulder?
Did they notice that I need a hug?
I’m here all alone..

What makes me?
It’s a heart without a home,
No one around,
It’s not because they’re not here,
Just because I’m not allowed them to be here..
I’m crying and crying,
Where should I be?
Where should I put this exhausted heart?

Anyone, please..
Found me, love me..
Gave me those warmth in urs,
Take me, have me with all urs,
Show me a sincereness that’s I cant believe,
Makes me believe..

Such a heart without a home
It’s here in my secret sorrow,
Take me away,
Grab me away with ur loving embrace..

It’s a heart without a home,
It’s my heart that need its place,
Maybe its urs?
Or its donts.

(pipiholic 09)

freena pipiholic

freena pipiholic
another viewing of an exhausted heart